Terms & Conditions

All championship entry applications received will be processed on a first come first served basis and will only be processed once payment has been received.

Your booking will be confirmed by email. Changes or substitutions will be charged a fee per entry of £2.50 and any cancellations will be charged a fee of £5.00.

After the closing date no refunds will be permitted unless an extenuating circumstance exists (e.g. medical reasons or a family bereavement). Then upon receipt of a written request detailing the extenuating circumstance a 50% refund mat be issued at the CPSA discreation.

After the closing date of an event any changes or substitutions will not be permitted.

You must be present at prize giving ceremonies to be eligible to claim sponsored prizes. Thank you to our sponsors for supporting our Championships.



By completing and submitting an entry application you confirm that you agree to the terms and conditions of entry. Entries are non transferable and accepted for the named person only. CPSA membership must be fully paid up when application is made and remain so for the duration of the championship. All entries are accepted subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed. If we are unable to allocate your preferred or second choice dates and times we shall then allocate one to you. Competitors will be notified of the day and time at which they must report to the ground and sight of membership card may be required when booking in. Please note that shooters having any form of disability should contact the ground prior to sending in their application to determine accessibility.

Championships are open exclusively to current full competition members of the CPSA and valid members of other national clay shooting governing bodies recognised by the CPSA. The use of CPSA Day Passes will not be permitted and Clubman memberships must be upgraded to full competition membership to compete.

The CPSA reserve the right to refuse entry to any individual who is under suspension or ban by any other governing body or association. The CPSA also reserves the right to decline entry to any of its championships at its absolute discretion. In either such circumstances only entry fees will be refunded. 

Please note that an administration fee of £2.50 per person per event will be charged for any alterations or £5.00 for cancellations made after the initial booking has been received and processed. 

After the closing date no refunds will be permitted unless an extenuating circumstance exists (e.g. medical reasons or a family bereavement). Then upon receipt of a written request detailing the extenuating circumstance a 50% refund mat be issued at the CPSA discreation.

Printed entry forms accompanied by the entry fee should be sent to CPSA, Edmonton House, Bisley National Shooting Centre, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey. GU24 0NP.


Your privacy is important to us, so we’ll always keep your details secure and never use them for marketing communications that you haven’t agreed to receive.

We collect your booking details to ensure that you are eligible to enter events and that our records are up to date so that we can process your payment, confirm your bookings and list you as a competitor.

We will seek positive consent from you before contacting you although we may still contact you to fulfil our contract or where there are legitimate interests on subjects that you as a member would reasonably expect communications around e.g. championship booking confirmation.

At any time you can change your mind about whether to receive information from us, how you’re contacted for marketing purposes or update your details using the online portal and preference centre on our website or by contacting us by email info@cpsa.co.uk or phone on 01483 485 400.

By completing this form, you consent to the use of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, on our website, which requires us to take care of the personal information you give us for specific purposes.

“We” means the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association Limited.


I'm aged over 16 or have permission from my guardian and have read and accept the terms and conditions of the website.



As a CPSA member taking part in a CPSA championship either at home or abroad, we ask you to read, understand, and comply with the following terms & conditions below irrespective of your funding status (i.e. whether fully funded, part funded or self-funded or sponsored basis).

For the purposes of this Code of Conduct “Participation” shall mean any events in which the CPSA or CPSA sanctions such as ICTSC Home Internationals, ICTSF World championships and any other Championships.

This agreement is in addition to the CPSA General Rules & Regulations, CPSA Technical Rules and where participating as part of an official England Team the England Team handbook.

You agree to: -


This agreement is effective as of 1st February 2011 until such time as any changes are made by the CPSA.


This agreement clarifies our (CPSA) and your (member) respective responsibilities and obligations. It should be seen as a “Statement of Shared Responsibilities”. It is neither an employment agreement nor a financial agreement and nothing in this agreement constitutes me (the member) as an employee or agent of CPSA.


That in my capacity as a competition entrant I am a current individual Full Member of the CPSA or a valid member of another national clay shooting governing bodies recognised by the CPSA.

To notify CPSA at the address below, of my address, contact details and any additional information required for completion of application and entry forms for any events to be attended, or any changes in such information.


To comply at all times with all CPSA rules, and where applicable international rules of, the discipline(s) shot.


You must complete and submit your entry application by the last date of entries as shown on any entry form.

You must agree to the terms and conditions of entry.

Entries are non transferable and accepted for the named person only.

Entries are accepted subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed. If we are unable to allocate your preferred or second choice dates and times we shall then allocate one to you.

An administration fee of £2.50 per entrant per event will be charged for any alterations or £5.00 per entrant for cancellations made after the initial booking has been received and processed. After the closing date no refunds will be permitted unless an extenuating circumstance exists (e.g. medical reasons or a family bereavement). Then upon receipt of a written request detailing the extenuating circumstance a 50% refund mat be issued at the CPSA discreation.

You are not permitted to involve the CPSA in any extra expense at any time.

Competitors will be notified where possible of the day and time at which they must report to the ground and sight of current full individual membership card may be required when booking in.

Should I withdraw, after confirmation to the CPSA of my attendance at an event, I will be liable for any expenditure should it have been incurred on my behalf.

It must be noted that The CPSA have a policy of exclusion from events held under their auspices for individuals who are indebted to The CPSA for whatever reason, until the debt is cleared.

Where required, we may reserve booking capacity for eligible members (including national teams), and we may exclusively invite eligible members to book entries in advance of the opening of general bookings. Early bird bookings will only be valid for invited individuals and any shared invite codes used by any other individuals will not be valid. Any such invalid early bird bookings will be declined, cancelled and refunded (entry fee only) without notice. We may also take further action – including invalidating the bookings of any exclusively invited member found to have been sharing their exclusive invite. 

Please note that shooters having any form of disability should contact the ground prior to sending in their application to determine accessibility.


To comply with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), UK - Anti Doping (UKAD), CPSA, International Governing Bodies such as the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF), FITASC, policies, procedures and rules that may be in force from time to time.

To ensure that any medication or substance taken by me in any form is not prohibited for use in my sport.

To refrain from the possession of banned substances and recreational drugs and neither supply such drugs to others, either directly or indirectly, nor encourage or condone their use by knowingly aiding anyone to avoid detection of the use of banned substances or performance enhancing practices.

To refrain from the use of banned substances that contravenes the rules of WADA and UKAD: In all cases I will seek advice prior to taking any medications (even if prescribed by a medical doctor).

To submit to unannounced (without prior warning) doping control tests, in addition to other prior notice tests and submit at other times to doping-control testing when requested by The CPSA or other authorities designated to do so.

In the case of a minor (under 18 years of age), the signature of my parent or guardian on page seven of this document also gives authorisation for me to submit to doping control tests.

To ensure that a CPSA Representative is aware of my whereabouts for the purposes of Out of Competition testing as laid out in the WADA and UKAD Anti Doping policies.

To support drug-free and ethical practices and, whenever possible, promote Anti Doping education programmes developed by WADA & UKAD or other agencies.

To ensure that any medication exemptions are fully documented prior to use.


To keep the CPSA informed, without undue delay, of any change in circumstances that may affect my entry and adherence to any drug testing programme.


To always behave and represent the CPSA in the best possible manner by helping to project a favourable image of the sport and not to commit any act or make any statement whether written or spoken either personally or through a third party which may bring the sport, the CPSA, its Officers, members or official sponsors into disrepute or ridicule, or otherwise damage the image or reputation of the sport of Clay Target Shooting and/or the aforementioned persons.

• Not to make any derisory comment about other competitors performances.

• To behave reasonably and in a manner that shows the utmost respect for other competitors and officials while training, competing or residing in a sport environment.

• To dress appropriately and in accordance with CPSA Regulations during competition.

• To take personal responsibility for ensuring that alcohol consumption does not affect my behaviour or performance at any time during the competition.

• To bring breaches of any Code of Conduct to the attention of an official as appropriate.


When competing in an official team if I am injured or ill prior to or during training or competition, to notify the appropriate Team Manager, or other official immediately.


You agree not to place a bet on any event or person held at the shooting venue if and whilst representing England.


To make myself available when requested for promotional activities including appearances at presentations, press conferences and other supporting events or functions at such times as the CPSA may reasonably require.


To allow the CPSA and (where agreed) its commercial partners, the right to use my name, signature, image, likeness, voice, biography and performances for such reasonable promotional/publicity purposes directly in connection with an event(s) as the CPSA may designate from time to time, provided that the CPSA may not use or authorise such use in a manner that suggests the member directly endorse any specific product or service.


If there is a material breach of this agreement, the CPSA reserves the right to discipline or suspend a member subject to the CPSA disciplinary and appeals procedures.

Any serious breach of conduct may render me liable to be immediately withdrawn from the competition or other related sporting activity at my (the member’s) own expense. Such a breach will be subject to the CPSA’s Disciplinary and Appeal Procedure.

Should either party contravene any of the obligations contained in this Agreement, then either Party may be subject to the CPSA disciplinary procedures

• Notify the other in writing of the alleged default.
• Indicate, where applicable, the steps to be taken to remedy the situation.
• Indicate, where applicable, a reasonable period of time within which such steps shall be taken.
• If either party cannot agree on the action to be taken within 30 days or the matter cannot be resolved between us, then it will be subject to Disputes Resolution Procedures.


We both agree that this agreement shall be immediately terminated following appeal under the CPSA disputes resolution procedures if:

• I am found guilty by a CPSA Disciplinary Panel of an offence under the WADA and UKAD Anti Doping Rules & Regulations
• I am found guilty by a CPSA Disciplinary Panel of bringing the sport into serious disrepute through my own behaviour
• I am found guilty by a CPSA Disciplinary Panel of gross misconduct

We both agree that this agreement shall be immediately suspended if:

• I have been arrested and am subject to bail conditions.
• I am obliged to notify the CPSA in writing of all criminal convictions and/or cautions imposed in the UK or elsewhere in the World. The only exceptions to this obligation to notify, are minor offences which are dealt with by way of fixed penalty notice or similar fine; if there is doubt as to whether a conviction or caution is ‘minor’ the Board should be notified so that consideration can be given as to its seriousness.
• In the event of any member being convicted or cautioned for any criminal offence save as identified in the above, such conviction or caution will render this contract voidable at the discretion of the Board once all material facts have been established. Before such action is taken the member will be notified in writing and given the opportunity in writing and/or orally to put forward reasons why this contract should not be rendered void. The Board will take into account in reaching its decision both aggravating and mitigating circumstances.


In the event of a dispute both parties agree to find a workable solution to any issue without proceeding to litigation. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved we both agree to accept and abide by the CPSA disputes resolution procedures in force at the time


We both accept that if for any reason beyond our control, the CPSA is unable to provide services or fulfil its obligations within this agreement then it reserves the right to re-negotiate its obligations to the member.

We both agree that this agreement is governed by English Law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

I also accept that CPSA has its own Disciplinary Policies and Procedures that set out how minor offences, serious offences and cases of gross misconduct and dismissal will be treated. A CPSA official who has the authority, in accordance with CPSA disciplinary procedures, to issue oral and written warnings, will deal with all complaints or disputes in the first instance. In the event of a dispute I agree to endeavour to find a workable solution to any possible problem without proceeding to litigation. If a dispute cannot be resolved amicably through discussion I agree to accept and abide by CPSA Disciplinary Policies and Appeal Procedures.

This is a legally binding document. Therefore you should ensure you have read it carefully so as to understand it.

i. I know of no outstanding claims against me for other reasons which affect my insurable risk.

ii. I will conduct myself lawfully and safely throughout the competition(s).

iii. I will abide by the rules and regulations of CPSA at all times.

iv. I will abide by the rules and regulations of the shooting discipline uphold its reputation and maintain the public confidence in shooting as a sport.

v. I will not prior to nor during the course of the competition, take prohibited drugs, prohibited substances or performance enhancing substances.

vi. I will not drink alcohol during my competition hours. I will not shoot the following day whilst still, howsoever, affected by alcohol.

vii. I declare that the shotgun(s) I will use in competition is (are) in safe working order and the barrels are within proof, the cartridges I will use are commercially loaded and conform to the current regulations.

viii. I acknowledge and accept that no liability attaches to the CPSA board and or its officers for any injury, loss or damage whether to my person or my property caused howsoever in the following circumstances.
a. During travel by whatever means to or from the competition(s).
b. During any period of practice or whilst taking part in the competition(s) itself.
c. During any stay in any temporary accommodation even if it is on a list of available accommodation provided by the CPSA.

ix.I agree to abide with the terms and conditions of shoot entry.

x.I hereby declare that I have never had a firearm or shotgun application refused or such a certificate revoked. I also declare that I am not a person prohibited by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968.

xi.I hereby declare that I am not currently serving a ban or suspension by any recognised clay target shooting governing body or associaton.

xii.I herby declare that I have never been disqualified from any CPSA, ICTSC, ICTSF or NSCA championships for any reason.

xiii. I hereby confirm that I am aged over 16 or have permission from my guardian and have read and accept the terms and conditions absolutely. 

xiv. I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and the express exclusion of liability by the CPSA and agree to be bounds by the said terms and conditions and exclusion of liability for the duration and purposes of this/these competitions and any preceding periods set aside for practice.


Last updated 18th September 2024